Home News and Updates How Much Adsterra Pays and How Much You Gain. A Year of Gratitude and Big Profits

How Much Adsterra Pays and How Much You Gain. A Year of Gratitude and Big Profits

by Adsterra Team
How Much Adsterra Pays. Highlights of the year

Thousands of publishers and affiliates have become wealthier this year. We appreciate you trust us to turn this master plan into reality. So why wait till January 1st? Let’s see how you can start changing your life with Adsterra today. We have prepared a rundown of key figures and revelations to help you learn more about how much Adsterra pays and how big your gains can be.

How much Adsterra pays: facts and figures

By December 10th, Adsterra had paid publishers $65+ million. That’s almost 10 million more than last year, but let’s be genuine here: our active publishers base has grown by 7K. So, if you’re asking about Adsterra payouts, the amount will be about 50-65 million dollars yearly.

$65 million – payouts in 2022

28K direct publishers

Many of our partners speaking on forums about how much Adstera pays don’t mention extra opportunities they have been using throughout the year. In the meantime, many publishers and affiliates increase earnings from our seasonal Profit Challenges. To illustrate: over 700 partners got increased payouts after the Profit Marathon in October 2022. You can be one of those who double the reward for your efforts. 

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A year of new stars

This has been a year of new stars that have earned much with Adsterra and lighted the way for many other aspiring side hustlers. We thank our publishers and affiliates for powerful skill-boosting success stories.

Star publishers who shared their success stories
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A year of care and friendship

Adsterra is proud of our homeland, Cyprus, to be one of the most desirable tourist locations and one of the most awe-inspiring sights in the world. We teamed up with City Friends Club to co-host a KEO Beach Clean Up to put in the manual effort in making our land sound and beautiful. We want Cyprus to stay safe and welcoming, not only for humans. This year, we became friends with lots of tails and wet noses from Roberts Dog Sanctuary.

Adsterra's social responsibility
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A year of partnerships, networking, and education

Since the pandemic left almost no chances for travelers and networkers, every single opportunity to reach out to our partners in person is a blessing. In 2022, From WebMaster Access to SIGMA, we’ve filled the cup of good collaborations to the brim.

Adsterra experts have stayed on the line throughout the year. Two free courses have been launched.

Affiliate Marketing Crash Course is here to help beginner affiliates master their craft and achieve real profits twice faster.

SEO and Traffic Growth Course aims to fast-forward you in building a powerful website that will monetize itself easily. 

Free courses by Adsterra experts
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Top moneymakers in 2022

Adsterra’s eCPM is among the highest on the market. There are trending websites and traffic niches that can expect the most remarkable payouts since advertisers are hunting for specific traffic types.

  • Movies
  • Video Hosting Platforms
  • Social Traffic
  • Downloads
  • Streaming Platforms and Websites
  • Anime
  • MP3
  • URL Shorteners

Even more conversions: advertising achievements

Adsterra advertisers have walked the extra mile this year, that’s for sure! They’ve shown the deepest understanding of the backbone metrics using them for their profit. 

1.34 billion conversions

+180K new campaigns added

The award-winning source of traffic and CPA offers

Advertisers’ achievements have turned into such a burst of acknowledgement! In 2022, Adsterra partners have crowned us threefold as the Best Ad network, the Best Native Ad Network, and the CPA Network of the Year. Our hearty appreciation for all of you who voted for us!

award-winning network 2022
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Verticals and offers with roaring CRs

Industry-wise, this year has not been a revelation. These are verticals and offer types that have been making the majority of conversions throughout the year.

  • VPN
  • Utility (Antivirus, Cleaners, Battery Boosters)
  • iGaming & Sports
  • Subscriptions
  • E-Commerce
  • Addons
  • Dating
  • Finance
  • Sweepstakes
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Ads that provoked hype

This time, we can name the two leaders, and both are connected with the In-Page Push ad format (also: Social Bar).


Those full-page ad formats are available for every publisher, while advertisers need to apply for such ads from their self-serve accounts. Interstitials leave no chance to overlook the ad message while generating solid CTRs. 

Interstitial iGaming
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Social Bar video ads

Videos inside Social Bar ads broke into the market as a cost-effective alternative to VAST. While the latter remains the top choice for branding, Social Bar videos serve more practical goals. They literally redesign the way you engage users. Video trailers, gameplay screencasts, animated graphics — any message is possible. 

* Social Bar Video ads are now available only for managed accounts, not on the Self-Serve platform, so please request this format if you’re on the SSP.

Social Bar dynamic videos
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Top guides for advertisers and affiliates

Ad Campaign Optimization With no Frills

Expert advice packed with fluent and lightweight storytelling. Our Key Account Manager, Sasha, has shared the shortest path to boosting your skills in optimizing traffic slices and achieving better ROI. 

Social Bar Ads

Best practices paired with worst practices: that’s why readers love this guide. We tried to break down the saddest mistakes affiliates make while designing creatives and adding ad copy. You will find practical tips, examples of ad creatives, and the most-used In-Page Push templates regarding your vertical or offer type.

How to Buy CPA Traffic

Thanks to multiple Self-Serve Platform users, this guide runs third. It focuses on the basic steps of a CPA campaign setup—nothing extra, only the critical steps required for launching your first CPA campaign.

S2S Tracking Guide

Indeed, that’s not bed reading =) But we managed to make the sorest topic a bit easier to digest. At least, our readers think so.

A Navigational Guide to Best Online Display Ads

While the previous tutorial is from the Top League, this one is a helpful overview of the top-performing ad formats you can advertise your products with. This a must-read for those who want to spend less time choosing a suitable ad unit.

[NEW] Betting and iGaming Advertising Secrets Spelled Out

Though published at the end of October, the guide by our expert Mikhail is now challenging the above-listed. The iGaming vertical has been a prodigy throughout the whole year. And the guide offers some insights for those who want to advertise iGaming offers.

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Guides that reveal how much Adsterra pays publishers

Our publishers have got cast-iron proof of how much Adsterra pays through several case studies. We thank our fantastic publishers who wrote their stories, saturating them with life hacks and actionable tips. 

Case study: Onyejekwe Augustine: How I Monetize Twitter Traffic [$800 Daily Payment Proof]

One of the latest success stories but, anyway, one of the most readable. Adsterra publisher, Onyejekwe Augustine, is sharing ways to make money on Twitter Traffic. A sense of trending news helps him create truly jaw-dropping tweets that engage users to find out more in a web blog. The blog contains lots of sensational information along with highly-paid ads.

Case study: Waseem Afzal: How I Make Money on My Sports Blog With Popunder and Social Bar

Waseem Afzal is a sports blogger whose income comes from his creativity and commercial sense. He creates content about cricket distributing it via social networks and leading the traffic to his blog. Waseem tells about why he chose this niche and how much he earns with Adsterra ads.

Case study: Tayyab Mehmood: How to Earn From YouTube Traffic by Sending it to a Website

YouTube traffic must become a source of additional income. That’s how Adsterra publisher, an aspiring vlogger Tayyab Mehmood, thinks. His strategy is simple yet genius: Tayyab Mehmood screencasts video games advising users on effective software improvements. Next, he creates more detailed blog posts offering YouTubers to learn more. Voila! Web traffic is growing! On Tayyab Mehmood’s blog, visitors get valuable content (which is a must) and watch Adsterra ads. Flawless victory!

Case study: Meng Sokseny: That is How I Earn $2,000 Per Month on Facebook Traffic

Facebook has always been among the fascinating topics. While the competition is tough, one can always find a way to cash in on this traffic source. One of those smart publishers is Meng Sokseny, who have leant how much Adsterra pays by growing his monthly earnings from FB traffic and ad codes up to $2,000.

A Guide to Capitalizing on Pinterest Traffic

This guide had to fight to stay in our chart, but eventually, it’s in 5th place. A step-by-step tutorial teaches how to become an online entrepreneur using social traffic to drive revenues. You will find illustrated instructions to set up a Pinterest Business account, create your first Pin, along with a proven tactic of getting paid for displaying ads.

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To finish up…and start over again

Here we are, on the edge of a new beginning. And we want to welcome you, successful and aspiring bloggers and affiliates — to enter a new calendar year with a set of goals, not those notorious New Year resolutions. Adsterra promises to stand by your side whichever financial goal you set. Dream big, act fast, and earn more!

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