Home Affiliate Marketing & Media Buying What is Mobile Marketing, Benefits, and Strategy

What is Mobile Marketing, Benefits, and Strategy

by Patrick D

Mobile isn’t just the future: it’s already changed the way we do business today. According to a We Are Social study, 50% of the world’s population owns a mobile phone, and nine new mobile phone users are added every second. Isn’t that incredible? As a result, mobile marketing is essential for both online and brick-and-mortar businesses.

What is mobile marketing, exactly? Mobile device users are being targeted for marketing campaigns. Prepare to lose out to your competitors if you don’t do it.

What is mobile marketing?

Mobile marketing is a multi-channel marketing strategy that targets a specific group of customers –– mobile phone users –– via websites, emails, MMS, social media, and apps.

Mobile marketing is a critical component of any short-term or long-term marketing strategy. There is a mobile marketing channel for every part of your audience where they are most comfortable, from email to content marketing, social media marketing, PPC, and SEO.

Mobile marketing can help you increase brand value and demand for your products or services by allowing you to connect with more customers in real-time at any point in the customer lifecycle. So how can you take advantage of mobile marketing’s growing power?

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How mobile marketing works

All advertisements you see on your smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices are a form of mobile marketing.  Each platform has its own style, design, and format, and mobile marketing varies from one website to the next and from platform to platform.

Types of mobile marketing strategies

Mobile native advertising

As far as sponsored content formats go, mobile native advertising is the most promising. It takes advantage of your user’s daily routines, is non-intrusive, and appeals to one of the fastest-growing population segments: smartphone users.

But there are so many platforms to choose from and factors to consider when launching a campaign; you probably need some professional help sooner or later. A native ad, by definition, blends in with the platform on which it appears.

Mobile native advertising is an emerging trend, there are plenty of formats business owners use to promote their brands. For example, the most popular content types used for mobile native advertising both for advertisers and publishers include:

  • In-feed social media ads
  • In-feed product listing
  • In-game ads
  • In-map advertising
  • Widgets
  • Paid search listings
  • Sponsored apps

At Adsterra, we help advertisers launch revenue-generating campaigns, prevent ad fraud, and assist publishers in integrating ad placements while retaining readers. Our direct link format seamlessly integrates into any content: text, buttons, or images, and they’re popular among SMB advertisers and publishers.

Join us and gain access to high-quality traffic and smart campaign optimization, whether you want to spread the word about your business or make the most of your inventory.

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QR codes

Users scan QR codes to be directed to a specific webpage that the QR code is associated with. QR codes are frequently associated with mobile gamification and have a sense of mystery about them, as users scanning them aren’t always sure which rabbit hole they’re entering.

Location-based marketing

Mobile ads that appear based on a user’s location relative to a specific area or business are known as location-based mobile ads. Some advertisers, for example, may only want their mobile ads to appear when users are within a 1-mile radius of their location.

Mobile search ads

Consider launching a mobile-specific PPC ad campaign. You’ve probably seen mobile ads while looking for something on your phone; these are mobile search ads.


SMS marketing is the practice of sending relevant offers to your customers via text message. It’s used by over 96 percent of smartphone users. This demonstrates how effective – if done correctly – this mobile app marketing technique can be.

CPA Marketing

You can place offers in affiliate networks so that professional affiliate marketers advertise them for you. You post a brief description of the target audience, the type of target action (for which you are willing to pay: install, purchase, trial, subscription), country, type of traffic (ios, android), etc. And set the amount of payment for the conversion.

To make the most out of mobile CPA marketing, join the Adsterra CPA Network, where you can contact your offer to be published for professional arbitrators.

Adsterra CPA Network registration
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Why mobile marketing strategies matter

Mobile marketing is just as important as having a smartphone and access to the internet via WiFi. Everywhere you go, you’ll see people checking their smartphones now and then, and all of those people are potential mobile marketing customers. Here are some statistics that may shock you:

  • People spend 80% of their time on their smartphones using apps and playing games.
  • Web browsing on a tablet is 70% more convenient than on a smartphone.
  • Since 2012, smartphone searches have increased by 200% every year.
  • In the United States, people spend more time on smartphones and tablets than any other device, accounting for 60% of all internet usage.

Desktop computers will become obsolete over time if all statistics and tech forecasting are correct. Mobile smartphones, on the other hand, are here to stay.

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How to develop a mobile marketing plan

Given that each website and platform’s mobile marketing strategy is unique, the question now becomes how to develop a successful mobile marketing strategy. Here are some things to keep in mind before developing a mobile marketing strategy:

Recognize mobile buyer personas

It’s important to know and understand your market’s customers and users –– your Buyer persona. Creating a fictional image in your mind of how your potential user looks and what they would like to see. It’s the process of compiling a comprehensive profile of your target users, including their preferences, goals, purchasing habits, device, and the information they frequently search for.

It’s easier to target and focus on your potential user’s requirements and what they’re looking for when you have complete information about them.

As a mobile marketer, you need to understand that the user interaction on one site is different for different devices. And it is important to create an offer that you can close specifically for the mobile target audience.

In a highly competitive mobile environment, acquiring new users is costly. So low engagement, high app abandonment/uninstall rates, and low retention rates from mistargeted mobile marketing can drain your resources.

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Make a list of your mobile marketing objectives

Once you’ve got your buyer’s persona, you can now imagine and visualize your online business’s success.

First and foremost, what’s your business about? How fast are you growing? What do you hope to achieve with your mobile marketing?

Start by setting SMART goals and SEO business goals. It’ll help you understand how to start mobile marketing.

Create an offer and clear flow with KPIs

In simple words, you have to understand what you want to offer mobile users and what do you require from them.

Other targeted actions (by which you can measure the effectiveness of your strategy) for mobile users can be:

  • Free trials
  • Signups or subscriptions
  • First purchases
  • Leaving card data
  • Re-subscriptions

If you got a mobile app, here’s some KPIs to focus on:

  • Downloads

Tracking your app’s performance is as simple as counting downloads.

  • App Open Rates (AOR)

This is your app’s session rate. The higher the open rate, the more engaged your users are.

  • New users

This KPI tells you if you have new users. An increase in new users indicates a growing customer base. The number of users can also indicate a marketing campaign’s success.

  • Organic CTR

This is the unpaid conversion rate. Unpaid channels include word-of-mouth and search engines.

  • Uninstalls

Uninstalls are as important as downloads and installations. Bulk installations always indicate a mistake. You may have added an ad that users dislike or a feature that hinders user engagement. If you notice any uninstallations, try to identify the cause and fix it immediately.

  • Shares

It refers to how many times users have recommended your app. Shares indicate that users value your app. This app marketing KPI also shows brand growth.

  • Reviews

Most users read app reviews and ratings before deciding whether or not to download them. Ratings are thus one of the most vital mobile app KPIs. So, when evaluating your mobile app’s performance, look at user reviews.

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Keep an eye on your results

You’ve established your figurative and numerical objectives, as well as KPIs. The last step is to decide which tools and software you’ll use to track the success of your mobile marketing campaign.

Facebook, for example, allows you to track your performance in terms of user engagement, clicks, and conversion rate. Google Analytics is another free tool for analyzing website traffic.

Make your site mobile-friendly

If your customers have a positive mobile experience with your brand, they will be more likely to trust you. According to research, 61% of people form a favorable opinion of a brand when accessing the website from their mobile phones without difficulty. In comparison, 30% of customers will abandon your website if it is not mobile-friendly.

You’ll have a satisfied audience who’ll stick with your brand for years to come if you have a mobile-optimized website.

Use text message (SMS) marketing

You can send content to customers directly via SMS and MMS messaging, but it’s important to use these channels wisely. Learn the best techniques for getting your message to your customers quickly, as well as the cardinal rules for a successful campaign, whether it’s through promotions, videos, product alerts, or reminders.

Monitor mobile metrics

​​Google Analytics can help you track how your site is being used on mobile devices. Mobile behavior data reveals how well your mobile content engages your audience, while conversion data show whether some of your key landing pages still require mobile optimization. Dashboard tools can display traffic volume and quality, page view metrics, bounce rates, and more.

Mobile marketing FAQs

How can mobile marketing help you sell more?

You can boost your sales by focusing your marketing efforts on people who buy things on their phones.

What can I do to increase my mobile sales?

Creating an app, advertising within social media apps like Instagram, accepting simple online payment options like PayPal and ApplePay, and optimizing your website for mobile devices are strategies for increasing mobile sales.

What are some of the most widely used mobile marketing strategies?

Creating mobile-optimized content, having an active social media presence, paying for ads on keywords associated with mobile searches, optimizing your content to appear in SERPs for mobile searches (such as local search terms/SEO), and optimizing your website for mobile devices are some of the most popular mobile marketing methods.

What are the different kinds of mobile marketing?

Social media marketing, text message marketing, mobile website optimization, and local SEO strategies are all examples of mobile marketing.

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Mobile users respond to what is happening on the screen in front of them, but keeping their attention is difficult. So it’s critical to comprehend how to make the most of “mobile moment marketing.”

This means responding to social media posts in real-time (or close to it): responding if someone has a question, comment, or concern. It also involves searching for tweets about your brand regularly to respond to customer complaints.

You’re more likely to win their business if you can quickly respond to a mobile customer’s needs. Mobile users don’t have the same patience as desktop users, so this type of social media customer service is becoming increasingly important.

Start working on your mobile marketing strategy now to stay ahead in the game and a vast majority of your competitors.

Remember that the key to effectively reaching people on mobile is to deliver your marketing message immediately.

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