Home Increase CPM What Can You Do Right Now to Maximize Website Revenue in Q2?

What Can You Do Right Now to Maximize Website Revenue in Q2?

by Olly V
Ways to maximize website revenue by Adsterra

Advertisers spend much in Q2. Why can’t publishers earn much, then? They can. You can. With a powerful monetization strategy, your earnings will go up. But what if you still need to make a plan or have just rushed to make money online? Time is running out! You need a crash course and some fast-to-apply techniques. We are here with the top 6 of them. Use at least one to maximize website ad revenue in Q2.

Website revenue components

Before we list these top 5 techniques for enhancing your website earnings quickly, let’s deal with how you can manage your profits. It’s crucial to know where to apply changes, and even more important is learning to save time. That’s our plan for today: make less and gain more. But let’s be consistent and start with the basics.


Content comes first in mind, and that’s right. You profit from posting quality content as a website manager or blogger. We’ve published several guides to help bloggers polish their copy and create readable articles. They’re suitable for your yearly planning of profit growth. In this guide, a bit later, we will tell you how to make your content shine much faster. Keep on reading!

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Technical aspects

One more strategic issue that will require all your attention, say, in January. How about today? Nothing hurts as much as getting flagged by Google for poor website speed in the middle of the hottest season.

One issue we faced here at Adsterra was poor image optimization. Even after ImgCompressor, the blog articles’ covers were too heavy to pass the page speed tests. What we did was install one of these WebP plugins that optimized all images in bulk, transforming them into an ultra-modern WebP. Now our blog covers weight less than 100kb each. It takes 5 minutes to get this plugin, and it really helps maximize website revenue, as you will get maximum users to see your web pages.

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Ad quality and profitability

The content you publish may be unique, and you may virtuously adjust your SEO, but ad codes will return poor CPM and low revenues. We’ll share some hints for shifting your ad earnings to an upper level.

Since we’ll be speaking facts, we recommend you check ad formats in this quick guide and then try them here in your Adsterra account. The signup is genuinely easy and takes a couple of minutes. You can even start monetizing your website today with one (or several) of these ad formats for publishers.

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Traffic types

When it comes to maximizing website revenue, traffic quality and location is the primary factor. Your long-term goal is to drive various types of traffic, say, from different countries and with different interests. But we’re here to talk about short-term solutions, right? 

You can try purchasing views if you want to boost website visits from one geo. Google search ads and Facebook ads allow for buying pretty cheap traffic. You can jump to reading about traffic purchasing right now — check this guide’s last tip. But we recommend moving step by step.


SEO will always cause pain to all of us making great content. But in the meantime, a well-optimized page leads to higher rankings and more extensive organic traffic. There are at least ten tricks to improve SEO overnight, and we will discuss them in a few seconds.

To sum up, your ad revenue improvement — whether it’s strategic or immediate — will always refer to these cornerstones:

  • traffic type and quality
  • content suitability
  • ad profitability
  • SEO optimization
  • technical part

Let’s now sprint through these turnkey solutions you can apply right now to maximize website revenue.

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Top ways to maximize website revenue in Q2

Optimize your traffic-boosting content the right way

No one makes an article that will perfectly fit search algorithms and users’ queries forever. That’s why it’s about time to jazz up your best performers! Look for search phrases your top posts are ranking now:

  • Is there enough traffic volume?
  • Is the competition stiff?
  • Are there any alternative keywords you can rank easily, and can they send you massive traffic?

Next, gallop through the content and update statistics, facts, and trends if they’re outdated. What else can you do? Make more serious changes to your top content pieces. We remember you’re out of time, so we will list only the most speedy methods. They’re not innovative, but they work.

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A checklist for optimizing quickly for Google

-1- Make sure your key phrase is natural

Once you’ve found a perfect key phrase, check if you can add it in the context naturally. In other words, ensure the copy will look healthy if you insert the phrase several times. It took us a while to engrain the phrase “difference between an ad network and ad exchange” in our article. It was hard to keep the narrative natural but we made it.

-2- Plant your keywords on the content field gently

Google and Bing are very fast at noticing keywords placed improperly. If you trick search engines by placing phrases in the first paragraph and H1, avoiding the following text, they will not rank your post.

You will have to seed the keywords carefully and pay attention to a sane distribution throughout the whole copy. One more thing to avoid is keyword stuffing. Let’s jump to this issue.

-3- Check your copy for keyword stuffing

When you feed too many keywords into the content, search engines will immediately notice this and downgrade your article. Fortunately, there are online and free tools that will help you avoid keyword oversaturation. We can advise trying SEOReviewTools. But you can choose the one you will like most.

-4- Remember to update all SEO metatags

Your next step is to adjust all SEO metatags with a new key phrase. Remember to include it in the SEO title and description. One little warning here: it’s critical not to update the article’s URL. If you add a new keyword to the old URL, your formerly ranked post will disappear from the search engines. It will take time to update the URL. Moreover, if websites were linking to this article, all of these links would return the 404 error. A redirect setup will help you, but only in avoiding the 404 error.

-5- Embed the key phrase in H1, H2-H4 headings

Along with seeding the keywords throughout the content, please ensure you’ve added them to the critical H1 tag and H2-H4 tags as well.

-6- Improve readability in minutes 

Readability is imperative. Google and other search engines are fighting for human-first content. And they’re right! Be one of those wise bloggers who put the reader first. Your article should be well-structured, and that’s how to clean it up with less effort:

  • Keep your paragraphs short and separate them visually with headings and subheadings.
  • Use a maximum of 240-300 words per paragraph.
  • When it makes sense, use bullet points and checklists
  • Put the most significant thoughts in bold
  • Ensure your intro states the problem and hooks the users’ interest from the first seconds.
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Optimize your top content for mobile devices

Well, this heading now sounds like “optimize the whole website,” but you don’t have time for this, do you? You might have a totally unfriendly website, but you can still rescue some articles. How exactly?

  • Check if your blog covers are less than 100kb, and if not, use image optimizers like TinyPNG.
  • Separate long paragraphs into shorter ones adding headings
  • Optimize images if it makes sense
  • Enable a zoomed-in image preview. In WordPress, this option is called
  • Try mobile-first In-Page Push (Social Bar) ads.

In-Page Push ads are not typical display formats but an advanced version of Web Push with higher CTR and better CPM rates. They look natural on any page since they meet mobile user experience.

Interstitials on mobile sreens

Adsterra publishers enjoy additional revenues after placing Social Bar since it appeals to mobile users boosting clicks. You can easily combine this format with any other, increasing your monthly income. This website below is earning $50 daily with Social Bar ads driving traffic from Nigeria.

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Indeed, that’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. Some bloggers regularly create seasonal content like:

  • top Christmas gifts in 2023
  • scariest Halloween outfits
  • top characters to 
  • most expected holiday sales in the US
  • best gadgets to buy on the 11.11 sale, etc.

But others simply can’t add such topics. Think of two aspects:

  • whether holiday topics can be stitched into your blog;
  • whether there are search queries for these topics.

If you previously wrote about the festive season, don’t rush to create a new piece of content. Update the old one! First, that one has already been ranked. Second, you will spend less time on writing. Sometimes, it will be enough to change your 2022 to 2023 in your headlines and copy to start ranking in Google. We’re urging you to do so only with evergreen articles, of course. Those posts that contain temporary info, require a more careful update. Stay honest with your readers!

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We’re here for fast solutions, so long hours spent on research is not our choice. So, where to check trending topics? Everyone will start with Google Trends, but we will be a bit more original and mention Google Shopping Trends. You can pick the most discussed shopping topics here.

Look for holiday posts ideas on Google Shopping Trends

Another source of juicy topics is Twitter. Digging through popular hashtags, you can discover what provokes the hottest discussions. Use the tab #Explore in your account.

An alterative trend-watching means is Twstalker. They aggregate popular tweets in a simple online-search interface.

Fanbytes can inspire you to write about hundreds of hot topics. Use this website as a source of insights if you create content for younger audiences in their mid-20s to 30s.

Trends and research by Fanbytes

YouTube has its in-house robust trend watching tool. Use it whenever you want to discover the latest reviews, webinars, and tutorials related to your blogging niche.

If your blog is somehow a very narrow niche, you will need to look for professional platforms that track news and trends from your field. Like, for instance, The Motley Fool, which is a top-ranked source for those blogging about stock markets.

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Embrace social media traffic to maximize website revenue

“I’m not a million-plus blogger. How can social traffic help me maximize website revenue?” one may think. Well, if you learn to create catchy posts leading users to your website for additional info, you will become a well-earning pro. 

Adsterra publishers have already shared their unique stories of making extra money with social media traffic. Ruben Colón makes from $800 to over $1,000 weekly with Snapchat traffic that comes to his blog.

Onyejekwe Augustine is a true pro of growing profits with Twitter traffic that can return him up to $800 daily.

The key idea behind these two examples is to connect social traffic with advertising codes placed on your website. You drive users — from anywhere — to a website with Adsterra ads and get paid.

It is recommended that your social posts are unique, as you need to hook user attention. But with time scarcity, you may try an elementary method – content distribution. WordPress plugins like Jetpack will automatically repost your website news to any social network you choose.

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Maximize website revenue by adding new ad codes

Too many ads scare users away. Therefore, there are better solutions than adding two more banners or asking your manager to increase Popunder frequency. What you can safely do is place alternative ad formats. 

We recommend adding ad formats that differ from those you already placed. This will diversify your income and protect you from users’ complaints about ad oversaturation. So, if you have already placed banners, add a Popunder code or Direct Link and vice versa.

We advise also trying Social Bar. You will hit two targets doing this:

  1. Increase the number of advertisements competing for your traffic, as they differ on pops, banners, and Social Bar. 
  2. Attract higher payouts and CPM rates, as social Bar has been a hot trend for over a year. 
Social Bar on desktop and mobile devices
Screenshots taken by Adsterra publisher
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Try buying cheap traffic from top geos

Remember one our previous tip? That one about updating your best-performing content? Ok, now that you’ve revived the old goodies, you can try buying the cheapest traffic to get even more views. 

Search engines love when brands and bloggers use paid ads to lead traffic to influential articles. This can be a combo move. You will boost traffic and increase your CPM rates. And you will make friends with Google. That’s how it goes.

A couple of clues:

  • Avoid buying traffic for poorly performing articles; drive paid views only to your best content;
  • Don’t buy the most expensive keywords; add those that cost less but relate to your content;
  • If your keyword is expensive, it doesn’t mean you should increase your rate; just add the minimum price; you sill will be getting little traffic, but it will be exactly what you need;
  • Use Semrush or alternative tools to check which keywords are bought for similar (aka competitive) articles.

This piece of advice won’t fit any blog. We don’t recommend this move to newbies, as they may spend too much money adjusting ad campaigns.

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Save every second and join the profit marathon!

Our last piece of advice will go like “start making more money today”. If you haven’t tried monetizing with Adsterra, sign up and add your website to our platform. It’s free forever. You won’t spend a dime while getting an opportunity to grow your income. Usually, it will take you less than 5 minutes to become a publisher. 

Publishers' signup form

After you’re in, click the ADD WEBSITE button. You will need to enter your website URL, its category, and the ad type you want to place. 

Later, you can add more ad types. 

Add your URL to Adsterra to maximize website revenue

After you’ve filled out the form, please look at the Websites page. When you see your website status change from Pending to Approved, you will need to click ALL CODES → GET CODE and copy the ad code to place it on your web page. Mind checking our instructions and adding a core exactly to where recommended.

Website approved
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The takeaway

It’s not a secret that advertisers behind all these ads on your website will pay much higher if your visitors buy something rather than simply watch lovely images. Here is why every step you take to maximize website revenue should aim at making users stay on a web page and click on ads. 

Avoid being too pushy. Instead, improve readability and add value to your content. Start with updating evergreen topics and refreshing SEO key phrases. Add holiday content if it makes sense. Experiment with new ad formats. Your Adsterra managers will advise on the best-matching ad units. 

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