Home Affiliate Crash Course Effective Lead Generation Strategies For Publishers

Effective Lead Generation Strategies For Publishers

by Patrick D
Easy & reliable lead generation tips

As a publisher, the most important thing is relevant traffic that converts — email signups, product sales, ad clicks. It all depends on how you monetize your website.

Lead generation, or lead gen, might be a new or unfamiliar concept because it’s a common B2B marketing tactic. But with the right lead generation strategies, you can boost your conversion rates and revenue from monetization.


Who is a Lead?
What is lead generation in simple terms?”
Why is lead generation important?
Lead monetization
How to Generate leads

One of the most common goals among business owners is to boost sales and generate leads. This often means managing campaigns that encourage website visitors to take a specific action — make purchases, signing up for an email list, or clicking an ad. We often call these campaigns traffic-generating campaigns or lead-generating campaigns.

Who is a Lead?

To fully grasp what lead generation means, we must first understand what a lead is. A lead is a prospective client who has expressed interest in your website by taking action. For example, they left you their contact information or implied that they’d like to use your services in some way.

What is lead generation in simple terms?

Lead generation is any activity aimed at persuading your target audience to take a specific action by interacting with your website’s content one way or the other. 

True, it takes time and a lot of research to figure out your target audience. And it even takes more time to convert them into leads. But trust us when we say that lead generation is a lot more efficient than random advertising.

Why is lead generation important?

According to one study, websites that use lead generation strategies are more than twice as profitable as those that don’t. Why waste time targeting as many people as possible until you find someone interested?

Rather than offering a service or a product to people who have not expressed their interest, it’s better to focus on users who are ready to buy.

There some components to lead generation you must know:

  • Lead capture is a method of gathering information from a lead. The lead capture data includes the lead’s name, contact information, and relevant qualifying details about them or their company.
  • Lead magnets are incentives that encourage potential customers to become new leads.
  • Lead qualification: a method of determining how likely a lead is to buy based on their information.

There are two basic methods for generating leads:

Outbound lead generation

This method includes introducing your product to a user, injecting a sense of need, and converting your prospects into customers. Outbound lead generation includes billboards, commercials, direct sales, and other similar media.

Inbound lead generation

Nowadays, people are more likely to find what they need by asking Google. If they don’t know how to convert DOC to PDF, they use the internet to learn where, how, and how much. Inbound lead generation comes into play here. Unlike outbound lead gen, inbound involves creating high-quality content to attract people interested in your products or services.

Here are some inbound lead generation strategies most website owners use:

  • Blogs
  • Social media
  • Special landing pages
  • Emails & Newsletters
  • Free trials for services/products

It’s just as important to generate leads as it is to figure out who these leads are.

Lead monetization

Monetization, in general, means making money from your website. The more leads you have, the more money you’ll make. Here’s how to monetize your leads.

1. Newsletters with third-party offers

A big part of lead generation is collecting people’s email addresses and building up your email subscriber lists. In addition, you can monetize a spot in your email newsletters by collaborating with other businesses in your industry.

Offer them space in your newsletter, and turn your leads into their buyers. Just make sure you partner with companies that have positive reviews. You don’t want your leads to unsubscribe as you are building a relationship with them.

Making a must-read newsletter that encourages your subscribers to connect and stay in touch with your brand is a great way to use your content as lead magnets. This method allows you to keep in touch with customers while also sharing product and service promotions to inspire them to buy something from you or your affiliate sponsors.

Here’s what a good newsletter contains:

  • New blog posts
  • Special deals and offers
  • Updates about your products or services
  • Upcoming events
  • Recommended articles from other high-value websites.

2. Place ads on your blog posts or website

You have enough room to advertise in every blog post. Place one or two ad codes, and you’ve got yourself a constant revenue stream. This method is practically a “win-win” because you promote your business as usual while also allowing your leads to check out your sponsor’s deals.

Ad networks like Adsterra help you monetize your leads instantly with ready-made formats, a pool of advertisers, easy payments; you can always increase your income with referral programs.

How to Generate leads (for publishers & website owners)

1. Offer a free trial or a freemium service

Offering a free trial or a freemium product to attract leads from interested and qualified prospects. Free trials and freemium products entice qualified, interested visitors who aren’t quite ready to pay for your services or click your affiliate links. Once users sign up for free trials, you can tease them with paid features and email campaigns to convince them to upgrade.

2. Make a coupon or a discount offer

Offer a coupon or discount as a lead magnet to convert users who are interested in your services. This type of lead generation attracts both long-term and short-term prospects. In the long run, you’ve attracted someone who is ready to buy your products. And you can quickly convert bottom-of-funnel prospects into customers in the short term.

3. Use the SEO power of customer reviews to your advantage

Review platforms have a strong organic search presence, making them a great way to expand your website’s visibility and get noticed by the right people.

You can increase your reach by encouraging users to review your website on a third-party platform with strong SEO — like Yelp or Google — without spending a dime.

Google appears to favor review sites in search engine results, recognizing their independent role in assisting people.

4. Create an interactive quiz

Quizzes are a fun way to learn more about your website visitors and get their contact information. The goal is to exchange the quiz result for a new lead, which can be extremely effective if done correctly.

5. Create gated content (email for access)

Gated content is any web content (article, creative landing page, forum) accessible after a user fills out a form. Unlike general blog posts or home pages, the content is locked — access is restricted to general users. To access the content, visitors must first fill out a lead capture form.

This lead generation strategy provides free value to the audience while attracting high-quality leads interested in the gated content. Compiling a list of best practices that are very beneficial to a new user in a particular field.

HubSpot, for example, provides a comprehensive list of SEO best practices from a variety of experts to help its target audience get more out of content marketing. Readers who are trying to figure out these best practices will find value in the e-book. And in exchange for their contact, they receive insider tips from various experts.

6. Advertise on social media

Because you collect and have access to sufficient information about users who interact with your content, online ads are a highly effective way to generate leads. 

Facebook and Google are the two most prominent players in the space. These platforms help webmasters better understand their current visitors, discover new ones, and generate more leads and conversions. Advertising is a prominent lead generation tactic that also helps your marketing campaign.

7. Optimize your website for lead magnet promotion

Make sure your website visitors can easily find your lead magnet to generate more leads. Create on-site funnels on landing pages that segment your audience and direct them to the lead magnet that most closely matches their interests. Other optimization tips include:

  • Placing your lead magnet on your homepage’s call to action.
  • Lead magnets should also be placed at the end of blog posts and pages.
  • Use a pop-up to generate leads.

8. Target top of the funnel keywords

Create a plan to target the search phrases that attract interested prospects and drive them to your lead magnets. First, do keyword research to find keywords that your ideal customers use at the top of the sales funnel. Then, target those keywords.

  • Create evergreen content that is keyword-optimized.
  • Organize a blog strategy based on the keywords you want to target.
  • Target these keywords with pay-per-click marketing.

To increase your chances of appearing on page one, make sure to follow SEO best practices. The higher your search visibility, the more interest, and traffic you’ll get from potential leads.


Get ideas on how to make a lead convert to customers with the strategies we provided. Then, use our advanced in-house rich push ads to monetize your leads. With CTRs 30% higher than average, they allow publishers to monetize their leads faster and more effectively.

Adsterra’s native banners blend seamlessly into any web page’s content. Customize the appearance of your ads and choose the size of native banners for mobile websites via your Publisher account.

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