Home Monetize Social Media 10 Proven Ways to Make Money as a Streamer

10 Proven Ways to Make Money as a Streamer

by Patrick D

Live streaming can be very profitable and is a good chance to make extra money. People who love making videos, art, music, and other kinds of content can learn how to make money streaming, get paid for their work, and even make their hobby a job. 

So we’ll help you understand streaming, how much money you might be able to make, and some ideas to get you started.

What does streaming involve?

Streaming is like live TV; people can watch what you’re doing in real-time. Today’s live streaming technology allows you to film and share your actions and environment on your phone, computer, or tablet. Almost all social networks have evolved to allow live streaming. Instagram, Facebook, Twitch, and YouTube are just some platforms where you can stream and where people can find and watch your live stream.

Your live content doesn’t go through any editing, so people can see what’s going on as it happens. Depending on your interests, you can play games, give advice, or share expert content.

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How much does a streamer get paid?

The amount of time and effort streamers put in will affect how much money they make. On average, professional Twitch streamers in developed countries can earn between $3,000 and $5,000 per week

Sponsorships for streamers can range from $0.01 to $1 per viewer per hour. There are no set monthly payments in the streaming business, but there are several ways to earn concurrent revenues. For many, it’s just a hobby, but with time and hard work, it can be a good source of income.

Useful streams (even recorded ones) are a source of organic traffic on which you can earn extra money. Earlier we published the case of a gamer and blogger who publishes cool tutorials on YouTube. At the same time, he additionally monetizes traffic from YouTube by sending it to a site with ads on it. 
Here’s how Tayyab Mehmood, a gaming blogger from Pakistan, earned $7,000 from YouTube traffic and Adsterra banners.

You too can also use YouTube traffic for moneymaking. Simply direct your users from YouTube to a website page where they can get some freebies. Place ads on this page and earn from ad impressions and clicks.

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10 ways to make money by live streaming

Most platforms let you stream in some way, which can help you reach a large audience. But let’s talk about some things you can do while streaming to make money.

1. Get tips for live streaming

You could ask people who watched your live stream on YouTube or Twitch to give you money if they enjoyed the stream. This is perhaps the most popular way to make money while live streaming, but the amount varies. You can also add links to payment platforms like your personal PayPal, Venmo, and CashApp and ask people to tip you through those services.

Deloitte’s recent market study says that “tipping” will likely be the main income source for streamers. Fans can now give money to their favorite creators much more easily than ever before. 

When you hear the phrase “online donations,” you might think of those “donate” buttons on websites and YouTube pages. Live streaming platforms have come a long way since then, putting donation systems for fans right into their interfaces and making the whole thing into a game.

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2. Affiliate marketing

Joining an affiliate program like Twitch partners can help you make money on Twitch. You can talk about affiliates and what they have to offer and include a link to an affiliate. You’ll get a money cut every time a customer buys something through your link.

Affiliate programs are a great way to make money streaming. It often works like this: a sponsor gives you a special link (or promo code) to a product.

This is an excellent way to make money for people who make live content. Let’s assume a beauty blogger uses a live stream to show how to use a hair dryer. People who watch her videos get to see how the product works in real-time, which makes them more likely to trust the product. The affiliate program will still work even after the stream becomes VOD content. And who knows, maybe the sponsor even gave the beauty blogger her curling iron for free as a bonus.

If you want to learn how to use affiliate programs to make money from streaming, Amazon is a great place to start. You could get bonuses if the person who clicked on your link bought something other than what you were selling.

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3. Sell merchandise

Selling personalized merch is another way to make money from video streaming. You can make your own hats, t-shirts, mugs, and more based on the videos you make and sell them in your online store or through Amazon. 

Promoting your stuff on a live stream could be a great way to spread the word about it. You could wear your own merchandise during your live stream and casually point out where and how to buy it (add links!). Sites like Merch by Amazon let you make designs and sell them on the web without paying anything upfront.

4. Get sponsored by brands

Many people who make things want to work out a good deal with a big company. This kind of income works for both live and on-demand video. But we think that promoting a brand through live video makes the “ad” feel a little more real and trustworthy. Profit from brand deals and sponsorships can vary a lot depending on the brand, how specific your channel is, how big your following is, and other things. Sometimes you get a good amount of money, and sometimes the brand gives you free stuff.

You might ask, “How can I get a brand deal?” here’s what to do:

Stay in your niche

If all you do on your channel is review tech, try to make a deal with a tech company. If you are interested in beauty, this is where you should look for sponsors. Your channel’s overall theme should align with the brand you’re promoting.

Don’t be shy about asking

Don’t give up if you don’t get many brand offers in your email! You need to take the first step. Write down precisely what you want to do, contact the brand you want to work with (via email, phone, or in person), and ask. Whoever asks will be given.

Fewer brands can be better

It’s better to focus on doing an excellent job for one brand than to spread yourself too thin and try to get many deals.

Don’t put your name at risk

No brand is important enough to lose all of your followers over. In the long run, your reputation matters much more. Stay with brands and products that you like and trust. There are a lot of good articles out there about how to get sponsorships and brand deals.

5. Monetize with ads

When you begin broadcasting live videos on a specific platform, such as YouTube or Facebook, you may be able to benefit from their advertising programs. Here’s a breakdown of the various types of in-stream advertisements that are typically available:

  • Pre-roll ads begin playing as soon as a viewer clicks on your stream. They must first view the ad before they can begin watching your content.
  • Mid-roll ads appear in the middle of your live stream. While the ad takes up the majority of the screen, your stream continues in a smaller window.
  • Display and overlay ads appear as banners or small cards on top of your stream.

YouTube is one of the best streaming platforms to make money through ads, and the revenue from your video doesn’t depend on its topic.

Facebook added ads to their live videos at the end of last year. Streamers can take a short break during a live broadcast and have an ad play during that time. 

We can’t figure out how much money mid-roll ads bring in, and creator RPMs (Revenue Per Mille) are rarely discussed because they are hard to predict. They can vary depending on your audience’s size and the ad’s CPM.

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Are live ads worth it?

Many streamers also say that live ads don’t bring in much money. Since revenue comes from the total number of clicks or views, the payout depends greatly on how many people watch the video. And while VOD content can build up these numbers over time, live videos with ads need an unimaginable number of live viewers to make a lot of money.

But if you livestream on your own website, you can benefit from VAST video ads and Social Bar.

Monetization of streaming sites does not always imply video advertising. Simple banners in the site’s header can suffice. Or you can use Adsterra’s Social Bar. During big sporting events, for example, some streamers who use Adsterra to make money broadcast and comment on the games and make hundreds of dollars a day from ads. So, why don’t you just join them?

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6. Set up paid subscriptions

Paid subscriptions are another way Twitch channels and YouTube videos make money. As subscribers, fans can access exclusive content and perks like a streaming schedule. Streamers get paid regularly through a flat fee revenue model.

Under the pay-per-view model, fans have to pay a certain amount to see “hidden” live content from an item creator. Most of the time, this content is more special than open content (it has to be worth paying for). In the same way, a subscription lets you see all of a creator’s exclusive content for a certain amount of time (like Netflix). Subscriptions are basically monthly donations that are set up in advance.

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7. Ask for Patreon pledges

Some streamers use the built-in subscription features that many live streaming sites have (Vimeo Live, IBM Cloud Video, etc.). With a monthly subscription, viewers can get special badges, chat with other subscribers, and watch live streams without ads. Others use a service to help them, like Patreon.


Patreon is one of the most important donation platforms right now. It affects many creators’ financial futures and freedom. In just the last year, Patreon made it possible for their video creators to get more than $3.5 million! Even though Patreon is not itself a live streaming platform, it is easy to connect it to YouTube, Twitch, and Facebook Live.

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8. Create multiple channels

Streamers can also make money by making multiple channels for different interests that run simultaneously. That can be a great way to reach more specific audiences, keep the channels organized, and make more money. Even though that means making more content, it’s a way to ensure you’re not just making money from one source.

9. Create additional content

Many streamers end up making money from things other than videos. For example, many streamers also write blog posts, including content marketing leads to getting readers to check out their channel. Or, they could make other kinds of pre-recorded videos and give paid subscribers special access to them as a reward for watching their live streams.

10. Superchat on YouTube

To thank their creators, YouTube Live made something called “Superchat.” During a live stream, the person making the video can allow donations, and viewers will be able to send donations in real-time. All donations will show up on the right side of the Live Chat window. The longer a user’s message stays pinned, the more money they donate. The amount paid also changes the color of the background of the message. The artist gets the money, and the patron gets the satisfaction of being recognized.

YouTube keeps 30% of all money given to Superchat. If you want to keep more money that people give you, you could use a Streamlabs widget. 

Streamlabs lets you set up a direct link or button for donations on Twitch, YouTube, Mixer, and Facebook Live. You can get tips from your fans for free on your PayPal, credit card, Skrill, and a few other wallets.

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How to start streaming online

It’s pretty easy to start streaming and make money because you don’t need a lot of equipment. What you’ll need is:

  • A computer,
  • Fast internet connection,
  • Webcam and/or camera feeds,
  • A sound recorder,
  • Good lighting and extra tools like a ring light.

Streaming doesn’t cost enormous sums of money, so it’s an affordable way to make extra cash. You’ll have to spend money on the following:

  • Subscription fees for platforms like Twitch and YouTube Premium;
  • High-quality webcams, cameras, and microphones.
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What does monetization of a video mean?

Video monetization is the process of making money from videos you share online on any platform via advertising, subscriptions, or direct sales. You can do this in several ways, which we discussed above, but “access” is the main way you get paid. This could be access to your video content, audience or your platform.

What is the best live-streaming platform?

A live streaming platform is a website, app, or software that lets you stream videos in real-time. When you upload a video to the platform, people can watch it in real-time.

What makes an excellent live streaming platform? The service should offer video hosting and tools for managing content, at the very least. It should also have basic tools for embedding, analytics, and monetization.

Where can I live stream for free?

You can live stream for free on these social media platforms:

  • Facebook Live,
  • Instagram,
  • TikTok,
  • Twitter,
  • Twitch.

Where else can I make money from my videos?

Besides streaming platforms, you can also make money by uploading your videos to the following services:

  • Dailymotion,
  • Vimeo On Demand,
  • Twitter Amplify,
  • Facebook In-stream Ads,
  • Amazon Video Direct,
  • YouTube.

How long am I allowed to live stream?

Different platforms have their own time limits for live streaming. Twitch has no time limit for streaming, but a single broadcast cannot last more than 48 hours. Streamers who want to stream for more than 48 hours must end their stream at or before the 48-hour mark and restart it immediately after.

What is the difference between pre-roll, mid-roll, and overlay video ads?


Pre-roll advertising is an excellent form of ad placement for increasing brand awareness, purchase consideration, and overall ad recall. It is an ad placement that takes advantage of audience engagement with the yet-to-be-viewed desired content and is thus a tried-and-true method of profitable video advertising.


Suppose the platform has a more passive discovery mechanism, such as Facebook. In that case, mid-roll ad placement is appropriate for an advertisement. Mid-roll ads have the highest completion rate, making them an excellent choice if you want or even require your audience to watch the entire ad. This means your audience will get the most out of the ad’s message.


If your ad includes a call-to-action, post-roll is the best option. If you want to elicit an immediate response from your audience, post-roll is the best placement for the advertisement.


An overlay ad is a small banner-like ad that occupies the bottom 20% of the screen of a video without obstructing the user’s view. These ads can include images or text, and users can interact with them or turn them off at any time. When users click on one of these ads, they will go to the advertiser’s designated landing page.

While each ad placement has some strategies best suited to the format, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. What works better for one ad may not work for another, and you should determine the best placement for each ad and brand. But still, ad placements are most effective when the video is well-produced and optimized for its particular platform.

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When you’re learning how to make money streaming, the more shots you take, the more likely you will succeed. We suggest using more than one of these methods for the best results. Experimenting can help you find out which ones work best for you and which ones only make you a small amount of money but take up a lot of your valuable time and effort.

Despite all of this, please remember that your live content still needs to be helpful. If all your viewers see ads and pitches for your products on your live stream, you might lose them all for good. Don’t forget the basics of live streaming, like sticking to the same schedule, letting your personality shine through, and entertaining and keeping your viewers interested. And when you’re ready to earn real cash from your live-streaming activities, Adsterra will be there to help you do it smoothly.

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