Home Contests And Giveaways Who Will Win The Adsterrifying $666 Amazon eGift Card?

Who Will Win The Adsterrifying $666 Amazon eGift Card?

by Adsterra Team
Join Adsterrra and win an eGift

The rule-breaking Game welcomes you! There will be no penalties. There will be no losers. There will be no judges. But if you don’t dare, you will get nothing. All you need is to step forward and enter this Adsterrifying Game that will reward the luckiest one with $666 Amazon eGift Card on November 22!

How to enter the Game

🎃 Register or log in as an Advertiser or a Publisher
* Advertisers buy traffic and run campaigns, publishers sell website, mobile, or social traffic

🎃 Enter the email you use in your Adsterra account in the form below.

🎃 Follow any of the Adsterra social media accounts: Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter.

The Game ends on November 22, and the Great and Terrible Randomizer will choose the winner among those who completed all mandatory tasks. We will reward the Winner emailing the $666 eGift Card not later than 7 days after the Game is over. So make sure you provide your active Adsterra email address ⚠️

And now… Green light! Move forward!

The Adsterrifying $666 Amazon eGift Card Giveaway by Adsterra
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