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Affiliate Marketing Tips to Boost Your Strategy

by Maria Littera

Enthusiasm is just the first step. Constantly searching for new solutions is like new doors for your business. Every tip is a key to such a door. Learn from others’ experiences, reducing the time it takes to find solutions from scratch so you can work even more efficiently.

Your successes are our successes, so we are happy to share advice. Don’t worry if some of these affiliate marketing tips seem general to you: in fact, the essence of a great campaign is a well-built basis. This is why laying a quality foundation from the beginning is so important.

Selecting your niche

A large selection of niches in affiliate marketing is both good and pushing. A beginner may get confused by the variety of options, but it is important to just know what to look for.

When choosing among niches for affiliate marketing, consider the following factors:

  • Competitiveness
  • Target audience size
  • Available offers.

The narrower is the target audience, the higher is the conversion rate; the broader is the niche itself, the more competitive but as well richer in opportunities it is. Keep the balance!

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Understanding the product you are promoting

Even if you are not an expert, you need to understand the product you are offering. To understand the intricacies of the product being promoted means to gain the skill to sell it.

General marketing gimmicks are only generally effective, let’s be honest. People don’t want big words, they want honest and expert words and that’s what they’re looking for in the product reviews

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Choosing affiliate programs

Choosing an affiliate program is like choosing a partner for a relationship. You must be sure that it is reliable and will last for a long time in order to truly receive a lot. 

It is important to pay attention to the brand’s reputation, earning opportunities and level of competition. For beginners, it is imperative to understand how this mechanics generally works, how statistics are collected and sent, what you can get paid for, and how to attract users.

If you are a beginner, we do not recommend choosing small or new affiliate programs. Yes, it can be scary to join a big company, but it’s usually the big brands that know exactly how to properly onboard a new partner. Adsterra is one of those brands that care about the comfortable start for every beginner.

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Promotional Strategies

Promotional strategy is a thing that helps promote a product competently and effectively. The strategy allows you to achieve the greatest results in the shortest possible time.

Create a solid content strategy

A good content strategy is, first and foremost, about good planning. Essential steps to develop a strategy:

  1. Define your goals. Knowing your business means understanding what you offer, to whom, why, and for what purpose.
  2. Know your audience as much as possible. You know who you want to offer the product to; now it’s time to find out what they are like. Interests, problems, aspirations – all this is important.
  3. Choose the appropriate voice for your content. Even low competition requires you to stand out. Today, the relevant voice is authentic, simple and friendly, but at the same time polite.
  4. Make your strategy tangible. Even if everything seems clear, write down the main points and create a visual description.
  5. Select channels suitable for your content. The more channels, the better, but the exact choice of channels varies. The target audience as well determines which channels are the most effective: social networks, email, etc.
  6. Be sure to test and study the results. Sometimes, predicting user behavior is impossible, but statistics are vital. Record key indicators to understand what is working and requires continued development and what has not worked out.
  7. Test your content. A/B testing is the best option to optimize your strategy with minimal resources. Adsterra offers up to 15 variants per test, so you can find out exactly what works best. Experiment with font sizes, button colors, call-to-action texts, etc.
  8. Optimize even evergreen content. Evergreen content is a content on topics that are always relevant. However, this does not mean that it does not require optimization and updating because trends change.
  9. Reformat your content. Extend the life of good content by turning a long read into an eBook or a tutorial into a video. There are endless quantity of ways; the main thing is to keep going and let the content work for you.

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Leverage on multichannel strategy

What is a multichannel strategy? This is a specific approach to strategy that involves using multiple media channels to disseminate information and promote. Such channels include social networks, email, etc.

Advantages of the multichannel strategy:

  • Increasing customer confidence
  • Attracting leads and other targeted actions
  • Targeting improval
  • Collection of information
  • Increasing ROI
  • The expansion of the customer base.
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Use multiple monetization strategies in each piece of content

Content can be presented in different ways, and this is its great advantage. Experimenting with content delivery is not only possible, but necessary if you want to get the most out of it.

First, figure out the specific purpose of your content. Spoiler: it’s probably more than one point. The goals will influence the type and format. What can just one piece of content do? Let’s list its functions:

  • Influence brand awareness
  • Increase brand expertise for the audience
  • Demonstrate the brand position
  • Become a source of affiliate income, etc.

As you can see, content is not just a collection of information, it is a source that can be most valuable if positioned correctly.

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Track your success

Statistics and monitoring are part of working towards success. If you were able to make money, but did not track what exactly brought you profit, you will not be able to repeat or improve the process. Therefore, always pay attention to organizing data collection: from setting up postbacks to monitoring the relevance of evergreen content.

Don’t just drive clicks, create an affiliate funnel

A marketing funnel converts a reader into a buyer. Masterful use allows you to turn the buyer into a loyal fan who will come back to you again. You need to use funnels to make sales natural and effective.

A standard funnel has two main stages – obtaining information, as the primary stage, and the conversion itself, which is provoked by the user’s desire and purchase action. The funnel begins with information: blog posts (SEO is required), paid advertising, and, of course, social networks. Then it’s turn for Opt-in, warm-up, and the pitch. The specific method choice depends on your niche and product: you can offer webinars, e-books, use emails, etc. These motivators come into play to warm up your future clients and lead them to the final stage of purchase.

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Set up a high converting affiliate landing page

An affiliate landing page is your tool for increasing conversions, which is what we strive for. This could be a blog with useful information or just a page dedicated to the features and benefits of your product.

The entire landing page is important, so pay attention to the details: make sure it has a good title, clickable links, etc. It is also advisable to include reviews in the page structure. You can automate the creating process in many aspects: just delegate landing page builders to do it. But don’t forget that the final product needs to be evaluated from the user’s point of view.

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Use email to build trust with your audience

Capturing the audience’s attention and then maintaining it is like a science. Email is a great help with this and also is an awesome traffic source. Like any other sales marketing strategy, email marketing requires creating a complete funnel that smoothly and non-aggressively takes people from the stage of wanting to explore a product to purchasing.

There are quite a lot of tactics to gain users’ attention via emails, we described some of them here. But the main thing remains stable beyond trends: regular visits to your audience’s inbox. Carry valuable informational content, not just directly selling one. After all, your target audience deserves to know everything about your product and your values before they make a purchasing decision.

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One of the biggest mistakes in internet marketing in general is poor timing. Just as we try to be on time with seasonal promotions, we should do the same with trends. That’s why it’s so important to keep track of industry news: so as not to miss important trends and use time to make money on a hot topic.

In this post we talked about the trends of 2023. Now this year is already coming to an end, which means new relevant material will soon await you. But now is the time to check: how many of the trends of the past year have you successfully used? Which ones worked well for your campaign? Do you plan to continue using them or have they become obsolete? And if you’re just starting out, think about which of these trends you’ve seen this year and what your predictions are for their future. After all, you are not only an affiliate marketer, you are also a user and can evaluate effectiveness from several aspects at once.

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Affiliate marketing tips for beginners: sum up

Here are a few key points you might take from this post:

  • Choose your niche carefully
  • Try to join a proven affiliate program
  • Pay attention to creating a multichannel promotion strategy
  • Track your progress to optimize your campaign
  • Use all available resources to connect with your audience
  • Keep an eye on the market and especially your niche.

And we at Adsterra will try to do everything to make your onboarding and development smooth, comfortable, and at the same time effective. Join and start achieving success with us!

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FAQ: tips for affiliate marketing success

How can I be successful in affiliate marketing?

The experience of thousands of Adsterra partners proves that success is more than possible. So take your time creating a solid strategy using the tips ahead and keep working!

– Monitor market news and trends of the selected niche.
– Be prepared for a gradual path.
– Use all available materials for training – tips, reviews, cases.

We share helpful tips on our blog, Instagram, and YouTube.

How do beginners get into affiliate marketing?

This is such a common question that we have created a separate material, you can read it here. To summarize the process, of course, the first step is to find a reliable ally, and Adsterra would be an excellent choice for any newbie. We’ll be happy to have you!

What is the hardest part of affiliate marketing?

Experts argue, but in 2023 one of the main challenges, especially for newbies, is finding a truly quality product or service to work with. Closely related to this issue is constant market monitoring; after all, affiliate marketing is primarily a dynamic and volatile area.

What are the 3 main types of affiliates?

The answer may vary due to classification, but let’s say it’s unattached, involved, and related. ‘Unattached’ promote services with no personal or expert connection to them, ‘related’ promote products or services from their niche, and ‘involved’ are experts. Affiliates of every type can and do earn well, so it’s up to you what type to choose for yourself. 

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